Nakon održanih radionica u Čelincu i Travniku, održana je i posljednja radionica u okviru projekta “Promocija PEFC standarda kroz umrežavanje nevladinih organizacija i promociju održivog gospodarenja privatnim šumama u BiH”. 🌳

Radionica je organizovana u Sarajevu i donijela je važne uvide i zaključke o daljim mogućnostima za certificiranje privatnih šuma u BiH PEFC standardom. 💬

Na radionici je identificirano da postoje određenje sumnje u opravdanost pokretanja procesa certificiranja privatnih šuma s obzirom na prepoznate regulatorne i administrativne prepreke vezane za privatne šume, kao i nedostatak visokovrijednog drveta i potencijalne finansijske koristi za neke šumoposjednike, dok postoje i druga mišljenja učesnika koji tvrde da je trenutno nezadovoljavajuće stanje privatnih šuma upravo razlog da se proces certificiranja hitno pokrene na području cijele BiH. 💡

Prikupljene informacije sa diskusije sa zainteresovanim stranama projekta na radionicama daju novi uvid i otvaraju prostor za dalje usmjeravanje procesa promocije certificiranja privatnih šuma u BiH. 🔄

Više informacija o održanoj radionici, kao i ključne stavke diskusije učesnika, možete pročitati na: . 📝

Ova objava je izrađena uz podršku projekta „Misli o prirodi!“ koji implementira Centar za promociju civilnog društva, a finansijski podržava Švedska. Sadržaj objave je isključiva odgovornost Inicijative za šumarstvo i okoliš – fea i ne odražava nužno stavove Centra za promociju civilnog društva i Švedske.

Following the workshops held in Čelinac and Travnik, the final workshop of the project “Promotion of PEFC Standards through Networking of NGOs and Promotion of Sustainable Management of Private Forests in BiH” was held. 🌳

The workshop, organized in Sarajevo, provided important insights and conclusions regarding the further possibilities for certification of private forests in BiH with PEFC standard. 💬

During the workshop, it was noted that there are certain doubts about the feasibility of initiating the certification process for private forests, due to recognized regulatory and administrative obstacles, as well as the lack of high-value timber and potential financial benefits for some forest owners. However, there are also differing opinions among participants who believe that the current unsatisfactory state of private forests is precisely the reason why the certification process should be urgently initiated across BiH. 💡

The information gathered from discussions with stakeholders during the workshops offers new insights and paves the way for further direction in promoting the certification of private forests in BiH. 🔄

More information about the workshop, as well as the key points from the participants’ discussion, can be found at: . 📝

This post was made with the support of the project “Misli o prirodi!”, implemented by the Center for the Promotion of Civil Society and financially supported by Sweden. The content of the post is the sole responsibility of the Forestry and Environmental Action – FEA and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Center for the Promotion of Civil Society and Sweden.

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